Posted on June 27, 2023

Insurance billing resources for Massage

Insurance billing resources for massage

Insurance billing resources for Massage Therapists

As a massage therapist, you have probably encountered clients who have asked about insurance coverage for your services. While insurance reimbursement for massage therapy varies depending on the policy and insurance company, seeking payment through insurance can be a practical option for clients who need your services regularly. Insurance billing can be a complex and time-consuming process that can distract you from your core role as a therapist. In this article, we will share some insurance billing resources for massage therapists that will help streamline your practices and get paid promptly.

Insurance billing resources:

  • CPT Codes for Massage Therapy
    • 97124 - Massage Therapy - Primary
    • 97140 - Manual Therapy - Often used
    • 97112 - Neuromuscular Re-education - Rarely used
    • CPT Codes 97010 Hot/Cold Packs - Mostly used with MVA claims
    • CPT Codes 97110 Therapeutic Exercise - Rarely used

Insurance billing best practices

  • Bill insurance companies at least one time per week, record billing date and amount billed. Stay as organized as possible! Doing so will make insurance billing much less stressful. I do offer a tracking system template in the insurance billing toolkit on my site. 
  • Follow up with insurance companies around 45 days after billing if you have not been paid and record every interaction with a name and reference number for the call
  • Record payments monthly
  • Don’t forget to check Office Ally weekly for repairable claims (these will also be emailed to you showing if they were accepted), and insurance websites for EOB’s (explanation of benefits).
  • Stay organized! This is what will keep you sane and ensure that you are getting the money that is owed to you.
  • Be persistent about getting payments, sometimes it takes many follow-ups if a company isn't working well with your claim.
  • Reach out for help anytime!

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