Insurance billing resources for Massage Therapists

As a massage therapist, you have probably encountered clients who have asked about insurance coverage for your services. While insurance reimbursement for massage therapy varies depending on the policy and insurance company, seeking payment through insurance can be a practical option for clients who need your services regularly. Insurance billing can be a complex and time-consuming process that can distract you from your core role as a therapist. In this article, we will share some insurance billing resources for massage therapists that will help streamline your practices and get paid promptly.

Insurance billing resources:

  • CPT Codes for Massage Therapy
    • 97124 - Massage Therapy - Primary
    • 97140 - Manual Therapy - Often used
    • 97112 - Neuromuscular Re-education - Rarely used
    • CPT Codes 97010 Hot/Cold Packs - Mostly used with MVA claims
    • CPT Codes 97110 Therapeutic Exercise - Rarely used

Insurance billing best practices

  • Bill insurance companies at least one time per week, record billing date and amount billed. Stay as organized as possible! Doing so will make insurance billing much less stressful. I do offer a tracking system template in the insurance billing toolkit on my site. 
  • Follow up with insurance companies around 45 days after billing if you have not been paid and record every interaction with a name and reference number for the call
  • Record payments monthly
  • Don’t forget to check Office Ally weekly for repairable claims (these will also be emailed to you showing if they were accepted), and insurance websites for EOB’s (explanation of benefits).
  • Stay organized! This is what will keep you sane and ensure that you are getting the money that is owed to you.
  • Be persistent about getting payments, sometimes it takes many follow-ups if a company isn't working well with your claim.
  • Reach out for help anytime!

How to Expand Your Online Presence and Attract More Massage Clients

As a massage therapist, you may be well-versed in the art of massage, but online marketing may not be your strong suit. However, establishing an online presence can be the key to growing your client base and generating more revenue. In this blog post, we will discuss how you can expand your online presence with online listings and attract more massage clients. By the end of this post, you will have a better idea of how to get clients for massage using online marketing strategies.

Steps to Get Your Massage Business Found Online with Our Marketing Tips for Massage Therapists:

1. Research Online Directories for Your Massage Business

One of the most effective ways to promote your massage business online is by adding your business information to online directories. Online directories are websites that list businesses in different categories. Examples include Yelp, Google Business Listing, and Facebook. It's essential to research each directory and determine which ones are best for your massage business. You should also make sure that the directory is reputable and has a high ranking on search engines.

2. Optimize Your Massage Business Profile

Once you have identified the best directories for your business, you want to optimize your business's profile for each of those directories. This includes filling out all the necessary information, such as your business name, phone number, website, and address. Keep in mind that your information should match your website exactly. Adding photos and videos of your business and services can also help increase your engagement rate. Make sure to use keywords that are relevant to your business to improve your search engine ranking.

3. Encourage Online Reviews

People always check reviews before booking a massage or any other service, so having positive online reviews is crucial. You can ask your clients to leave a review on your business page, especially on your Google Business listing. You can also encourage them to share their experience on social media platforms, such as Facebook and Instagram. These positive reviews can help build trust and attract more potential clients to your business.

4. Stay Active on Social Media

Maintaining an active presence on social media platforms can be critical for your business depending on your client base. You can use social media platforms to promote your business, share your latest offers and services, get last-minute appointments booked, and engage with your followers. Choose social media platforms that are relevant to your ideal clients and post regularly. You can also use social media to run ads targeting your local audience to attract more clients online.

5. Keep Your Massage Website Up-to-date

Your massage business website is your business's digital storefront, and it should be a priority in your online marketing strategy. Your website should be user-friendly and feature all the necessary information such as your services, pricing, operating hours, location, and contact information. Keeping your website up-to-date with recent information can increase your website's traffic and ranking on search engines.

Online marketing for massage therapy requires a lot of effort, dedication, and consistency. However, the benefits are well worth the time. By using online listings, optimizing your business page, encouraging online reviews, staying active on social media, and keeping your website up-to-date, you can attract more clients online and organically. These are just some of the digital marketing for massage therapists you can implement to help boost your business's online presence and attract more clients. With the right tools, mindset, and dedication, you can take your massage business to the next level and attract more clients than ever before.

ICD-10 Codes for Massage Therapy Insurance Billing

As a massage therapist, you know how important it is to provide quality care to your clients. However, you may also be wondering how you can get reimbursed by insurance companies for your services. This is where the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10) codes come in. In this blog post, we'll walk you through the process of using ICD-10 codes for massage therapy billing, including the codes you need to know and how to use them correctly.

ICD-10 codes are the standard set of medical codes used by healthcare providers and insurance companies for billing and record-keeping purposes. As a massage therapist, you'll need to use the appropriate pain codes to bill insurance companies for your services.

Here are some of the most common ICD-10 codes used for massage therapy:

  • M54.5 - Low back pain: Low back pain is a common reason why many people seek out massage therapy. This code can be used when a patient presents with low back pain.
  • M79.1 - Myalgia: This code can be used when a patient complains of muscle pain or tenderness.
  • M54.4 - Lumbago with sciatica: If a patient presents with lower back pain that radiates down the leg, you can use this code to bill for your services.
  • Shoulder pain — M25.511 (R), M25.512 (L)
  • Upper Arm pain — M79.621 (R), M79.622 (L)
  • Elbow pain — M25.521 (R), M25.522 (L)
  • Forearm pain — M79.631 (R), M79.632 (L)
  • Wrist pain — M25.531 (R), M25.532 (L)
  • Hand pain — M79.641 (R), M79.642 (L) (excludes fingers)
  • Hip pain — M25.551 (R), M25.552 (L)
  • Thigh pain — M79.651 (R), M79.652 (L)
  • Knee pain — M25.561 (R), M25.562 (L)
  • Lower Leg pain — M79.661 (R), M79.662 (L)
  • Ankle pain — M25.571 (R), M25.572 (L) (excludes foot/toes)
  • Foot pain — M79.671 (R), M79.672 (L) (excludes toes)
  • Thoracic Spine pain — M54.6
  • Low Back Pain — M54.9
  • Neck pain -- M54.2

It's important to note that insurance companies may have different requirements or guidelines for reimbursement, so it's always a good idea to check with the insurance company to make sure you're using the appropriate code.

When submitting insurance claims, you'll need to list the ICD-10 code, service provided, and any other relevant information. In addition, you'll need to include your National Provider Identifier (NPI) number and the patient's insurance information.

As with any medical billing process, accuracy is essential. Make sure to double-check all codes and information before submitting a claim to an insurance company. It can be helpful to keep accurate records of your services and billing information to make the process easier.

Reach out anytime if you need help with insurance billing!

HIPAA for Massage Therapists

As a massage therapy business owner, it is imperative to know about HIPAA for Massage Therapists. Keeping in touch with your clients about insurance matters is important. However, with HIPAA regulations in place, sending sensitive information via regular emails is not only risky but is also illegal. So what’s the best way to communicate securely and remain compliant? Keep reading to get HIPAA tips for massage therapists. First, Learn how to set up HIPAA-compliant email and online fax for insurance communications. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through HIPAA-compliant communication for massage practice billing. This includes the process of creating a secure and compliant messaging system so you can communicate with your clients confidently.

Understand the Basics of HIPAA Compliance

  1. Before you set up a system to communicate with your clients securely, it’s essential that you have a good understanding of HIPAA compliance. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is a law that requires all healthcare providers, including massage therapists, to secure their patients’ medical information and protect their privacy. Being HIPAA compliant means that you’re following all the necessary privacy and security guidelines. It’s crucial to keep this in mind throughout the process of setting up a communication system.

Choosing the Right Email and Online Fax Services

  1. To ensure HIPAA compliance, you need to choose email and online fax services that use encryption mechanisms to secure the transmission of data. There are several services that offer these features, such as Hushmail, SR Fax, and eFax. However, not all of them may be appropriate for your needs. Make sure you do your research and choose the ones that are best for your business.

Setting Up a HIPAA-Compliant Email System

  1. Once you’ve chosen an email service, it’s time to set up your HIPAA-compliant email system. The first step is to create a unique email address specifically for insurance communications. You should also consider adding an email disclaimer that states that the email is confidential and should not be shared with anyone other than the intended recipient. Additionally, make sure your email service is fully encrypted and password-protected. Gmail can be set up as a HIPAA-compliant communication platform by signing up for Google Workspace and following the steps for making it HIPAA-compliant listed here.

Setting Up a HIPAA-Compliant Online Fax System

  1. Online fax services are also a great way to communicate with your clients securely and remain HIPAA compliant. When choosing an online fax service, look for those that offer end-to-end encryption for all of the faxes you send and receive. You should also create a separate fax number that’s specifically dedicated to insurance communication. Finally, make sure your online fax service is password-protected to prevent unauthorized access. Here are a few that we recommend: SRFax, Doximity, Redfax

Train Your Staff

  1. It’s important that you train your staff on the correct use of HIPAA-compliant email and online fax systems. Make sure they understand why it’s crucial to use these services and how to use them correctly. Your staff should also be aware of the HIPAA compliance guidelines to ensure they’re following all of the necessary requirements.

Being HIPAA compliant is essential for all healthcare providers, including massage therapy business owners. By setting up a HIPAA-compliant email and online fax system for insurance communications, you can ensure that you’re following all the necessary privacy and security guidelines. Choose the right services, set up your system correctly, and train your staff well. By following these steps you’ll be able to communicate with your clients securely and confidently. Remember, HIPAA compliance should always be a top priority!

Massage Business SEO

As a small business owner in the massage therapy industry, I understand how challenging it can be to attract new clients to your business. With the growing number of massage businesses out there, it's becoming increasingly difficult to get noticed by customers, especially when relying on traditional forms of marketing. In the digital age, it's imperative that we leverage the power of search engine optimization (SEO) to help boost the online visibility of our massage businesses. In this guide, we’ll go through the basics of SEO and how you can use it to market your massage business more effectively.

How to promote my massage business online:

Understand the basics of SEO

1. Before you start implementing SEO strategies, it's important to understand how search engines work. Search engines like Google have a complicated algorithm that determines which website will appear first on a search result page. When a person inputs a question or string of words in the search box and hits enter, the search engine looks for websites that contain relevant content to the query. The websites that are deemed most relevant will appear at the top of the search results. Knowing how this algorithm works can help you create content and implement strategies that make your website more visible online. Learn more about Google's search algorithm here.

Optimize keywords

2. Keywords form the foundation of SEO. You need to identify the words that people would use when searching for your massage services. For example, if your business offers Shiatsu massages, make sure you use the phrase "shiatsu massage" in your website content. It would also be a good idea to create a dedicated website page for “shiatsu massage,” doing so tells search engines that you are knowledgeable on this topic. By using these keywords, you increase the chances of your website appearing at the top of search engine results when someone searches for these terms. Try using Google's AI Bard for keyword research. Type in the prompt: what are the top keywords for: shiatsu massage. show search volume. Bard will show you the top 10 search results with the search volume per month for this topic. You can use those results to optimize your website content!

Maximize on-page optimization

3. On-page optimization refers to optimizing your website's content and structure. This includes optimizing title tags, meta descriptions, header tags, and alt tags. These elements provide search engines with more information about the content on your website, making it easier for them to categorize and rank your site. By optimizing these elements, you can improve your website's ranking and visibility.

  • Title tags & meta description example: 
  • Header tag example
  • Alt tags: 

4. Backlinks are links from other websites that point to your website. The more high-quality backlinks your website has, the more credible and authoritative it appears to search engines. You can build backlinks by providing guest blog posts to other sites, participating in online forums related to your industry, creating valuable content that other sites want to link to, and more. Building quality backlinks is a powerful SEO tactic that shouldn't be overlooked.

Understand the importance of local SEO

5. If you're a small business, focusing on local SEO is important. This means optimizing your website to appear in local search results. You can do this by including your business’s name, address, and phone number (NAP) on your website and other directories like your Google Business Listing. You can also localize your keywords by targeting specific locations. For example, instead of using the keyword "shiatsu massage," you can use "shiatsu massage in Los Angeles."

While search engine optimization may seem daunting at first, it's a powerful tool that can help any massage business owner market their business more effectively. By understanding the basics of SEO and implementing the strategies highlighted in this guide, you can improve your website's online visibility, attract new clients, and grow your business. Remember, the key to effective SEO is being patient, staying consistent, and always providing high-quality content to your target audience.

Massage Business Branding

If you are a massage therapist or own a massage business, you know how competitive the industry can be. With so many options available for clients, you need to find a way to stand out and differentiate yourself from your competitors. One of the most effective ways to do this is by creating a strong brand identity for your business. Branding can help you establish a unique identity that clients can easily recognize and identify with, giving you a competitive edge in the market.

Creating a strong brand identity can be a daunting task! But it doesn't have to be. Here are some tips to help you learn how to brand a massage business that truly represents you. These tips will also help set you apart from the competition.

Define Your Brand Identity

1. The first step in creating a brand identity for your massage business is to define what you want your brand to represent. Your brand identity is not just your logo and website design, it's about the values, personality, and emotions you want your brand to evoke. Before creating any visuals or design elements, think about what your business stands for and what makes it unique. Establish a mission statement, vision statement, and a list of brand attributes that reflect your business values.

2. Your logo is the face of your business. It's the first thing clients see when they come across your brand. A well-designed logo can capture the essence of your brand and make it memorable. When designing your logo, consider your brand attributes, color scheme, and typography. It should be simple, timeless, and versatile enough to work on any platform.

Create a Cohesive Website and Online Presence

3. Your massage business website is often the first point of contact potential clients have with your practice. It's crucial to create a website that reflects your brand identity and communicates your services clearly. Make sure your website is user-friendly, mobile responsive, and consistent with your branding. Your social media profiles should also be aligned with your brand, with consistent messaging and visual elements.

Incorporate Branding into the Client Experience

4. Your brand identity should extend beyond your visuals and encompass every aspect of your business, including the client experience. Ensure a consistent experience from the initial booking, to the treatment, and follow-up communication. Consider how you can integrate your branding into the space, ambiance, customer service, and other touchpoints that your clients interact with.

Stay Consistent Over Time

5. Creating a brand identity is an ongoing process, but it's essential to maintain consistency over time. Consistency builds trust, familiarity, and strengthens brand recognition. Make sure your branding is consistent across all channels, from your website to social media to marketing materials. Regularly review your branding to ensure it aligns with your mission, vision, and the evolving needs of your clients.

To effectively stand out in the crowded massage therapy industry, branding for Massage Therapists is crucial. Your brand identity should be a representation of your business values, personality, and emotions, and it should be incorporated into every aspect of your business from the visuals to the client experience. By following these tips for creating a strong brand identity, you can differentiate yourself from your competitors and attract clients that align with your unique values. Remember that massage therapy branding is not just a logo or design; it's the complete experience that clients have with your business. Take the time to develop a brand identity that resonates with your clients, and you'll be on the path to success.

Get more massage business branding ideas on our website or reach out for a 1:1 business coaching session anytime!

Event Marketing for Massage Therapists

Our goal is to help you increase clientele and learning about event marketing for massage therapists is an excellent first step! Running a massage therapy business is not an easy feat, especially when you're a small business owner. The competition is fierce, and it's challenging to attract new clients while keeping existing ones happy. Though online marketing is an excellent way to reach new customers, sometimes, it's not enough. If you're looking for a hands-on approach to marketing your business, event marketing is an excellent strategy to try. In this post, we'll give you all the tips and tricks on how to execute a successful event marketing campaign for your massage business.

Define Your Goals and Target Audience:

Before you start planning your event, figure out what you want to achieve and who your target audience is. Do you want to increase your clientele, promote a new service, or simply create a sense of community in your practice? Once you know your goals, you can plan your event to cater to your target audience.

Choose Your Event Type. As a massage therapy business owner, you have a lot of options to choose from when it comes to events. Whatever event you choose, make it unique and valuable for your audience. It should be something that they'll look forward to attending and that they'll remember and talk about afterward. Here are some ideas:

Plan a Grand Opening Event

  • If you’re about to open up a new location, keep in mind that a grand opening can set the tone for your business. Plan out a grand event, showcase your new facilities, offer some promotions or discounts, and build excitement around your brand.

Offer Self-Care Workshops

  • Hosting wellness workshops related to massage therapy can draw in new clients and establish your business as an expert in the field. These workshops should provide some information and practice time to attendees either for free or for a price. Participants should leave with a few actionable ways to practice self-care at home.

Create Regular Customer Appreciation Events

  • Set up various events to show your gratitude towards your loyal customers and encourage them to return. Offer them rewards, discounts, or events just because they are customers—who doesn’t love free things?

Partner Up With Other Local Businesses

  • Partnering up with other like-minded businesses is an excellent way to grow your customer base while raising your business profile. Think of gyms, yoga studios, and health shops that can benefit from your services and vice versa.

Participate in Community Events

  • By participating in local events such as charity runs or wellness festivals, you can promote your business beyond your immediate geographical area. Set up a booth where you offer massages or educate people about the benefits of massage therapy. Such events present good opportunities to speak with potential clients and to promote your business.

Promote Your Event:

Promoting your event is just as important as planning it. Make sure you promote it through all the channels available:

  • Your website
  • Social media
  • Email newsletters
  • Flyers and posters in your practice
  • Word of mouth
  • Build anticipation and provide all the necessary details, like date, time, and location

Prepare for the Event:

On the day of your event, make sure you've got everything ready. Plan and practice your elevator pitch, lay out all the materials, and ensure that you have enough staff to assist attendees if needed.


After your event, it's time to follow up with everyone who attended. Send a thank-you email, and ask for feedback so you can improve on future events. Consider offering them a special discount or incentive to book with you!

We hope you gained some insight on how to get more massage clients from reading our post. With these event marketing tips, you can take your massage therapy business to the next level. Events give small businesses exposure, generate leads, foster client loyalty, and are fun ways to engage with potential clients. Remember always to set goals and objectives for each event, share your events on social platforms, track return on investment, and most importantly, build a relationship with your clients and community. Now go ahead and start planning to host your next event!

Additional Marketing Resources:

Massage Networking

What is "Massage Networking?" Networking for Massage Therapists includes reaching out to your colleagues and other healthcare professionals to create a community that can help support and grow your business. In turn, you may also support their businesses.

To make it easy for other healthcare providers, such as naturopathic doctors, acupuncturists, medical doctors, and chiropractors to refer their massage clients to you, you can take the following steps:

Establish professional relationships

  • Reach out to local naturopathic doctors and introduce yourself as a massage therapist interested in collaboration. You can also attend relevant networking events or join professional organizations where you can meet and connect with healthcare providers.

Provide clear information

  • Create a professional brochure or information packet that clearly outlines your services, qualifications, and any specializations you may have. You should also include details about the benefits of massage therapy, conditions you can help with, and any specific techniques or modalities you specialize in.

Offer educational resources

  • Develop educational materials that explain the benefits of massage therapy for various health conditions. Also, provide articles or handouts that naturopathic doctors can share with their clients, and highlighting how massage can complement their treatment plans.

Communicate your availability and contact information

  • Ensure that naturopathic doctors have easy access to your contact information, including your phone number, email address, and website. Let them know the best way to reach you, and be responsive to inquiries or referrals.

Establish a referral process

  • Streamline the referral process by setting up a clear and efficient system. Provide referral pads or electronic referral forms that naturopathic doctors can use to refer their clients to you. Make sure the process is straightforward and requires minimal effort on their part.

Maintain open lines of communication

  • Stay in touch with naturopathic doctors who refer clients to you. Update them on their client's progress (with client consent) and thank them for their referrals. This helps to build trust and encourages future referrals.

Collaborate on treatment plans

  • When appropriate, offer to collaborate with naturopathic doctors in developing comprehensive treatment plans for shared clients. In addition, it is important to communicate about client progress and exchange feedback to ensure coordinated care.

Continual education and networking

  • Stay up to date with the latest research and developments in massage therapy and related healthcare fields. Attend seminars, conferences, or workshops where you can interact with naturopathic doctors and other healthcare providers, fostering professional relationships and showcasing your expertise.

Remember, building trust and effective communication are key to professional referrals for massage therapists and establishing referral relationships with other healthcare providers. Not only will this demonstrate your professionalism, expertise, and commitment to client well-being. It will also make it easy for naturopathic doctors to confidently refer their massage clients to you.

Target Audience for Massage Therapists

As a massage therapist, the success of your business relies heavily on choosing the right target audience to for your massage business. With so many different types of massage therapy techniques available, it's important to know exactly who your ideal client is and what their needs are. In this blog post, we'll be discussing how to choose a target audience for your massage practice.

How to choose a target audience for massage:

Identify Your Specialty

  • The first step in choosing a target audience for your massage therapy practice is to identify your specialty. What type of massage therapy technique do you specialize in? Are you trained in a particular modality such as Ashiatsu massage or have experience treating specific conditions such as low back pain or tech neck? Once you've identified your specialty, you can start thinking about the type of clientele you're best suited to serve.

Research the Market

  • One of the best ways to identify your target audience is to research the market. Look at your competition and see who they're catering to. Are they serving a particular niche? What types of marketing tactics are they using to reach their target audience? By doing some market research, you can gain a better understanding of the needs of your potential clients and how to position yourself in the market.

Determine Their Needs

  • Once you've identified your specialty and done some market research, it's time to determine the needs of your potential clients. What types of conditions or ailments are they seeking treatment for? Are they looking for relaxation and stress relief, or are they in need of a more therapeutic approach? By determining their needs, you can tailor your services and marketing efforts to cater to those needs specifically.

Create Client Personas

  • A client persona is a fictional representation of your ideal client. By creating client personas, you can visualize your ideal client and develop marketing strategies and messaging that will resonate with them. Start by thinking about the demographics of your ideal client, such as age, gender, and income bracket. Then, think about their psychographics, such as their values, beliefs, and interests. Understanding your ideal client’s pain points and the problems you are solving for them will be a game changer for your marketing efforts.

Test and Refine

  • Finally, it's important to test your marketing strategies and refine them over time. This might involve trying different types of advertising, messaging, or even pricing. Keep track of what's working and what's not, and adjust your approach accordingly.

Choosing the right target audience for your massage therapy practice is essential to the success of your business. By identifying your specialty, researching the market, determining your client's needs, creating client personas, and testing and refining your marketing strategies, you can position yourself to better serve the needs of your ideal clients. By taking the time to carefully choose your target audience, you can build a thriving, successful massage therapy practice.

Get help from our team with defining your target market today, we offer 1:1 coaching sessions designed specifically for your needs! Book a free consultation.

Download our "branding & target market for massage" template and define your target audience today!

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