Set yourself up for success by analyzing your budget and performing a financial analysis to understand the impact a new team member will have on your business and what you will need to make on a weekly, monthly, and annual basis in order to support them.
You will also want to outline a clear plan for how and when you will pay your new massage therapist. Including percentage breakdown or hourly pay, how you will track amounts owed vs. amounts paid, and by what means you will pay your new team member.
Make your work life easier by creating clear policies and procedures for your team members to reference and follow. Even processes that feel simple to you, might be complicated to someone else. Having a guide might save you both a lot of stress and anxiety. Implementing policies, procedures, and systems in your massage therapy business can be the difference between a healthy and a toxic work culture for your team.
Systems & FinancialsIt takes time to build a new massage therapist's clientele. Once you understand how many additional clients you will need to bring in per month, you can develop a marketing strategy to meet those goals. Ideally you would create a marketing plan with the new hire in mind prior to bringing them onto the team. You can include things like happy hour appointments, paid ads, updated signage, social media posts, recall past clients, or even an open house event to introduce your new team member to your neighborhood.
Marketing PlanningManagement Skills Assessments:
• Mind Tools Test
• Skills You Need Test
It is important to understand the differences in hiring & managing Massage Therapists as contractors vs. Employees.