Marketing is crucial for any massage business, it helps create awareness, attract new clients, build a strong reputation, and is the key to growing a practice that supports your lifestyle.
The "Rule of 7" is a marketing concept that suggests a potential client needs to encounter a marketing message at least seven times before they will book a massage with you. It emphasizes the importance of repeated exposure and consistent messaging to create brand awareness, build trust, and influence client behavior. The rule is based on the idea that people are more likely to remember and act upon a message after multiple interactions with it.
The Rule of 7 is not a hard and fast rule, but rather a guideline to highlight the significance of repetition in marketing efforts.
Learning the basics of marketing can feel overwhelming but if you take it one topic at a time you will build a strong foundation.
โข Marketing Mix: It is important to use a mixture of marketing tactics to ensure that you reach your clients on a variety of platforms.
โข Messaging: Make sure that you are using imagery & crafting messaging that is targeted to your ideal clients. It should focus on the benefits you offer & the problems you are solving for your clients.
Creating a marketing plan is essential for businesses of all sizes as it provides a structured & strategic approach to marketing activities. Here are some key reasons why creating a marketing plan is important:
โข Set clear & measurable goals
โข Understand what marketing tactics are & aren't working
โข Stay focused on what you are trying to achieve
โข Prepare for marketing activities ahead of time
โข Give yourself plenty of time to communicate with team members and clients before a marketing event or promotion
Social media is an excellent way to connect with current & potential clients
The necessity of having social media accounts may vary depending on the demographics of your clients. With billions of users, social media platforms offer a vast pool of potential clients waiting to discover your services. By strategically leveraging social media marketing, you can amplify your brand, connect with your ideal clients, and establish yourself as a trusted expert in the industry.
From engaging content & promotions to client testimonials & online booking, social media provides a cost-effective & efficient way to attract new clients, foster loyalty, and drive the growth of your massage business.
If you decide that social media marketing is right for you, utilize the platforms to connect, engage, and build relationships with clients. Social accounts enable targeted marketing, practice promotion, client feedback, and can drive website traffic, ultimately increasing client loyalty & business growth.
โข Create beautiful graphics using PicMonkey or Canva
โข Clients love genuine posts, don't be afraid to bring your personality into your marketing
โข The goal should always be to bring value to your clients
Well-done social ads can be a game-changer for massage therapy practices. With targeted ads, you can reach a wider audience, generate leads, and drive traffic to your website or booking platform. Invest in paid social media marketing to amplify your reach & boost conversions. You can expect to start with a budget of $100-$300 a month.
โข Make sure your messaging & images are on brand, speak to your ideal massage client, & highlight the benefits of your work
โข Have a clear call to action
โข Be concise & to the point
These tips can help you grow your massage practice with Google Ads
Online listings can significantly benefit the SEO of a small massage business by enhancing online visibility. These listings, such as directories and review sites, provide valuable backlinks and citations, improving the business's authority and helping it rank higher in search engine rankings.
Set up Your Google Business ListingGood ol' fashioned relationship building & word of mouth are still extremely relevant & important marketing tools for Massage Therapists
Learn MoreEffectively reporting & tracking marketing efforts is crucial for massage therapists. It will allow you to measure the effectiveness of your efforts, identify what's working, & make informed decisions based on data.